
Alex Coward

Member of Longridge CC
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Status Update

Charities Aid Foundation

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Hi Alex Coward,
Great news! You've received a donation from Charities Aid Foundation at the request of your friend Stephen Marle.

You've been sponsored £100 to support Macmillan Cancer Support -Head Office.
"Good look with the Darts and hope the "Young Ones" give you a good game ! Bob, Gail, Matilda and Syd"
Because your friend has a giving account with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), we have made this donation directly to your chosen charity.
You can update your fundraising total to include the new donation straight away.
Many thanks
Charities Aid Foundation
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Any personal message expressed in this email is from the donor directly and not CAF.

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£10.00 from CLINT Grundy

Good luck mate. Clint and family ⚽️🎯

Thanks Clint, top (s) man !!🌼🌼🎯🎯👍👍🏏

£62.10 from Lynne Coward

Gift Aid +£15.52


Thank you my wife , the best care I could ever have hoped for 🎯🎯🏏🏏🌼🌼

£20.00 from Dave M

Gift Aid +£5.00

Good luck Alex. All the best!!

Thanks Dave 🎯🎯👍👍🌼🌼

£20.00 from John McDonald

Gift Aid +£5.00

Amazing effort for a great charity. Good luck to all….top man 👍

Thanks John 🌼🌼🎯🎯🏏🏏

£30.00 from Andrew Dodd

Gift Aid +£7.50

Best of luck Alex. Hope you’ve got your throwing arm in training! Fantastic effort for a charity close to my heart. Will be there to support you 👍

Thanks Andy !!, very generous !! 🎯🎯🏏🏏🌼🌼

£20.00 from Mark Wilkinson

Gift Aid +£5.00

Nice arrow's 🎯

Thanks Mark and Ann!!.. really kind 🌼🌼🎯🎯🏏🏏

£20.00 from Ed Bolan

Thanks Ed 🎯🎯🎯🌼🌼🏏🏏

£20.00 from Saul Coward


Thank you Son, very generous and much appreciated xx🎯🎯🌼🌼🏏🏏❤️

£20.70 from Andrew Milligan

Gift Aid +£5.18
Thank you Andrew !!. 🎯🎯🌼🌼🌼🏏🏏
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£4,363.82 raised

Target: £3,000.00


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Sign Up Pledge Ready or not With a little help from my friends Donated to self Stand by me 50% to fundraising target 75% to fundraising target Don't stop me now Let's get it started What a feeling I believe I can fly Simply the best Top of the World Fly me to the moon Share my page