
Steve Sturges

Member of What would Stu Do?
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£10.35 from Jo Pringle

Gift Aid +£2.59
Thank you so much Jo, really is appreciated

£30.00 from Faiza & Mehmood Akhtar

Good luck Steve! A great thing to do in memory of the kind and amazing soul that Stu was! Can't believe it's nearly a year already...awful illness that took him away too soon x

Thank you so much. Yes, he left a big hole, but also a legacy of grabbing the moment and making it work for you. Still can’t believe it.

£30.00 from Stella Ballam

Gift Aid +£7.50
Amazing, thank you both. Cannot wait until we catch up xx

£10.00 from Katie Balmer

Gift Aid +£2.50

Good luck Steve, hope you’re keeping well. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year already! I hope you raise lots of money!x

Thank you Katie, that is brilliant. Hope all good with you?

£51.75 from Sam Sturges

Gift Aid +£12.94

All that right arm action- however will you cope?
Well done, an epic effort on memory of a great man ❤️

Thank you beautiful, as you say, a great man xxxx

£40.00 from Linda Sturges

You had all the practice you need on your use it...

Thank you so much. Yes, time to put that all to good use xxx

£20.00 from Briony

Good luck with the fundraising, great cause.

Thank you Briony, that is really appreciated

£20.70 from Keith Wilson

Gift Aid +£5.18

£15.00 from Prashant Parekh

Gift Aid +£3.75

Best wishes!

Thank you so much Prashant, it really is appreciated.

£50.00 from Sen ninja

Right now, he’d be taking the Mick about you doing a sponsored pub event!!!!

Seriously though -he’d be chuffed that you were honouring his memory supporting a charity trying to eradicate Such a horrible devastating illness x

Oh I can imagine just how much he would be ripping it out of me right now. But he would also be telling me that a sponsored Hot Tub would be a much better idea......absolute legend xx
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£4,306.00 raised

Target: £1,000.00


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Sign Up Pledge Ready or not With a little help from my friends Donated to self Stand by me 50% to fundraising target 75% to fundraising target Don't stop me now Let's get it started What a feeling I believe I can fly Simply the best Top of the World Fly me to the moon Share my page